Some details of McDonnellArt Mosaic panels

Maximum amount of photos?

On the 8 foot x 4 foot panels depicted here, i have incorporated 235 individual images. Many of the black & white photos can be colourised in single colour, leaving us with 400 images.

I then added various logos, emblems & adverts in colour, B&W and re coloured B&W, leaving around 600 images in the pool.

The final print has around 12000 images in 3 layers, all depicting the background layer(the bridge bar on this occasion, but can be any image/logo/brand) each “tile” repeats at various sizes, but not next to each other(mostly)

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Cost Depends on a Few Factors:

1. Source images. The quality and format matter. I prefer to scan them myself, although this isn’t always possible.

2. Final Size & Position of print: Printed panels can be fixed directly to wall (like wallpaper), or mounted on aluminium panels with frame which fix to wall.

3. 2 sitings of different base images with overlaid mosaics might be better value & use of resources than 1 single piece, since we would have gathered a pool of relevant images.

Dundalk panels

Interview With SRC. Mosaics Coupled with Augmented Reality

Interview with Kieran Swail, Tourism Innovation Specialist, Southern Regional College. A further explanation of the process that goes into a mosaic Panel How to embed history in an augmented reality overlay viewable through your phone.

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Augmented Reality

Exploring how to tell many stories from 1 image. You could relay the whole history with multiple videos triggered on your phone/tablet by using a simple app.

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